As a library, we’re obsessed with books – and always looking for the good ones! Below, our Keeper, Russell Napier, outlines a few of his favourite books– they are available if you come to visit us. We hope to see you soon. Triumph of the Optimists (Dimson, Marsh and Staunton) It’s a history of financial […]
Category: Articles
What truly drives the world’s financial markets?
“There is so much more to heaven and earth than is dreamt of in numbers and decimal points,” says Professor Russell Napier, Keeper of the Library of Mistakes. “And you can’t gain a true understanding of how finance, money and markets work without understanding human behaviour and history. For all its importance, mathematics is very […]
Fraser Allen – how I found the Library of Mistakes
Our media/PR guru tells how he came across the Library. A few years ago, I heard about a mysterious place in Edinburgh called the Library of Mistakes. It was tucked away in a small mews building and, but for a small sign with its distinctive logo, you’d never know it was there. Furthermore, the only […]
The LOM – featured on Bloomberg… and by its editor no less
We’re delighted that Bloomberg have given us a plug in their recent story about the ructions around banking and Credit Suisse. This is what Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge had to say: “There are few better places to consider the past few days of banking chaos than a small room hidden away in Edinburgh’s […]